Who’s the King of the Field

It was time to plough the farmer’s field. From my terrace, I watched the worker walk along the narrow pathway spying out the rice paddy. It was the same grass pathway I had been warned by locals to walk along very slowly. The day before I had hesitated at a particular spot and looked down […]
To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme

Have you ever read a rhyming book and tripped awkwardly over the sentence structure and words written back the front just so the verse rhymes? That’s not to say we can’t be inspired by the great Dr Seuss who wrote nonsensical rhymes with made-up words. But even Dr Seuss knew that metrical patterns rule, which […]
Riding the Amazon Publishing Wave

Self-publishing my first book Starfish Singers was a huge learning curve. The publishing world is like one big gigantic wave. What’s all-in or going wide? While some authors are enjoying riding their publishing wave, others may be struggling with the basics of the whitewash and getting started. Serious authors, like surfers, understand their terrain and […]
When ‘Rock Bottom’ Spins into the Catalyst for Change

Hitting rock bottom is like a wake-up call in a person’s life when everything is spiralling out of control, and finally one day the inevitable happens. It’s when tragedy, loss, and failure are a constant state of existence, which slowly extinguishes all hope in a person’s soul. Like a candle burning in a dark place, their […]
7 reasons to write and publish your story

Does everyone have a story to tell? If they do, only 30 out of 1,000 will publish a book. What do you need to succeed? The chances are that most people who desire to write a book get stuck in a cycle of starting and stopping. Months or years later, people think about their book […]