Book Covers And Using Distributor Templates: Expectations vs. Reality

In the checklist of publishing your book, is the completed manuscript, designed cover and uploaded interior formats. The reality is, it’s not a simple process. I chose Ingram Sparks (IS) and CreateSpace (CS) to distribute ‘Starfish Singers‘. Both distributors have cover template generators if you wish to use them. I hired three graphic artists to […]
Barcodes and ISBN’s. Why do authors need them?

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit number that’s used as a unique identifier for books. ISBN’s other important facts: If you are the publisher and paying to get your book printed, including other digital formats, you will need to apply and buy ISBN’s. If you plan to sell your […]
Indie, Traditional publishing and the one in the middle

If you are considering writing a book and not sure which path to take, you are not alone. Welcome to the new era of publishing. Indie (Independent) Best Selling authors don’t need the muscle of a traditional publisher if they have found their niche and have an entrepreneurial edge. If you just want to write, […]
What’s the real dream?

In the 1960s, there was a man who owned a restaurant. By 1970 he was 1.5 million dollars in debt. What motiviated him to keep going? The man was passionate about food and the service industry. For 8 years with one little shop, he served his vision well. Then his shop burnt to the ground. All […]
How to find the right editorial team?

Johanna Penn shares that finding the right editor is like going on a few dates before finding your perfect match. What titles do they have? What does your self-publishing editorial team look like? Finding the right people is essential in producing a book you can be proud to own and share with the world. The […]